Forschungsliteratur über ISEBEL

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Broadwell, Peter M., Peter Leonard, and Timothy R. Tangherlini. 2018. “‘Hvad der byggedes om dagen, blev revet ned om natten …’: Word Sequence Repetition in Danish Legend Tradition.” Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 140 (2017). 9–27.

Broadwell, Peter M.; Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2020): “Geist, geest, geast, spøgelse: Challenges for multilingual search in belief legend archives.” Arv: Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 76. 7–28.

Fenske, Ole; Meyer, Holger (2021): PaSiGraM — Parallel SingleGraph Mining. Tech. Rep. CS-21-03, University of Rostock, CSEE Department, Rostock.

Himstedt-Vaid, Petra (2021): “Verrufen, Verhexen und böser Blick. Schadenzauber in norddeutschen Erzählungen”. In: Von Mund zu Ohr via Archiv in die Welt. Edited by Petra Himstedt-Vaid et al. Münster/New York: Waxmann. 311–330.

Himstedt-Vaid, Petra (2021): "Of Wolf-Belts, Hungry Servants and Tattered Skirts: The Werewolf in North German Legends". In: Willem de Blécourt, Mirjam Mencej (eds): Werewolf Legends. London. (accepted for publication)

Himstedt-Vaid, Petra (2021): "Der Werwolf von Spornitz: Niederdeutsche Werwolfsagen aus dem Zettelkasten von Richard Wossidlo". Stier und Greif 2. (accepted for publication)

Himstedt-Vaid, Petra (2021): “Der Werwolf in norddeutschen Sagen: Vom handschriftlichen Zettel zur digitalen internationalen Erzähldatenbank” Fabula. (accepted for publication)

Himstedt-Vaid, Petra; Schmitt, Christoph (2020): "Digitales Wossidlo-Archiv in länderübergreifender Erzähldatenbank". Stier und Greif 2. 58–59.

Meder, Theo (2018): “ISEBEL: Intelligent Search Engine for Belief Legends.” Volkskunde 119(1). 87–89.

Meder, Theo; Muiser, I.E.C. et al. (2017): “Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database”. Digital Humanities Quarterly 11(4).

Meyer, Holger; Schering, Alf-Christian; Heuer, Andreas (2017): “The Hydra.PowerGraph System – Building Digital Archives with Directed and Typed Hypergraphs”. Datenbank-Spektrum 17(2). 113–129.

Meyer, Holger (2021): “Ein digitales Flurnamen-Archiv für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern”. In: Von Mund zu Ohr via Archiv in die Welt. Edited by Petra Himstedt-Vaid et al. Münster, New York: Waxmann. 119–137.

Schering, Alf-Christian (2021): “‘WossiDiA History’ and Powergraph … ‘Make WossiDiA Efficient Again’”. In: Von Mund zu Ohr via Archiv in die Welt. Edited by Petra Himstedt-Vaid et al. Münster/New York: Wax-mann. Pp. 139–148.

Schmitt, Christoph. (2019a): “From Idiosyncratic Index-Card Machines to Digital Folklore Archives”. In: Folkloristics in the Digital Age. Edited by Pekka Hakamies and Anne Heimo. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. 132–157. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 316.

Schmitt, Christoph (2019b): “Ethnografische Online-Archive als parömiologisches Werkzeug. Nutzungsszenarien des Wossidlo Digital Archive (WossiDiA)”. In: Proverbium. Yearbook of In¬ternational Proverb Scholarship 36. 341–370.

Schmitt, Christoph; Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2018): “Folklore Archives Online. Zur Sichtbarmachung, Auswertbarkeit und Interoperabilität einer dänischen und einer nordostdeutschen Sammlung.” In: Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie 2018 13(3). 181–204.

Storm, Ida; Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2018): “‘En temmelig lang fodtur’: hGIS, Text Mining, and Folklore Col-lection in 19th Century Denmark.” Human IT 14(2). 43–81.

Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2019): “Modeling Anholt. Legend and Locality on a Nineteenth Century Island.” In: Former som formar: Musik, kulturarv, öar. Festskrift till Owe Ronström. Edited by Camilla Asplund Ingemark, Carina Johansen, and Oscar Pripp. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press.

Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2020): The Dictionary of Jutlandic Folk Speech by Henning F. Feilberg. In: Dictionaries as Sources of Folklore Data. Ed. Jonathan Roper. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. 59–84. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 321.

Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2021): “A Conspiracy of Witches.” In: Myth, Magic, and Memory in Early Scandinavian Narrative Culture. Studies in Honour of Stephen A. Mitchell. Edited by Jürg Glauser and Pernille Her-mann. Pp. 181–193. Acta Scandinavica 11.

Tangherlini, Timothy R. (2021): “Stumbling into folktales: Navigating the unusual collection of Nikolaj Chr. Christensen.” In: Von Mund zu Ohr via Archiv in die Welt. Edited by Petra Himstedt-Vaid et al. Münster/New York: Waxmann. Pp. 281–295.